Saturday 8 January 2011

My trip to Jordan

Amman Jan 2011 - The Biggest Flag in the Middle East

Amman Jan 2011

We, Mr Z and I, decided that I should go to Jordan to meet the rest of his family. He travelled from his place in KSA and I travelled from Scotland picking up my future step-daughter (Miss Y) in Germany on the way. We all arrived in Amman at around the same time. His brother was there to collect us in the airport. 

Amman airport... as soon as I arrived I felt a kind of peace, even though the airport had something chaotic about it. I don't know if it was the feeling of being 'home' or knowing that your soulmate is close by?! Anyway, from the first second, I knew Jordan was home for me. Miss Y and I waited outside for Mr Z to arrive... his flight was delayed.
After about 30 minutes or so... there he was...My Love :) It had been 6 months since the last time I saw him! I had missed him so much.
We drove then to his sisters house where I would be staying for the next 10 days. It was great! Waking up at Fajr with the Adhan from outside :) this has to be the best feeling in the world! I wonder if the people who are born with this in their daily life feel it's power? It was also wonderful to be imersed in the arabic language. If I live there for any length of time it will be the best way to learn the language. I only know some arabic now and I'm still too shy to speak it.

Alhamdulillah for everything! I won't bore you with too many the details of the trip. But the important thing is that we got engaged and inshallah we will marry in Scotland in the spring.
During my time in Amman, I realised that Mr Z and I will make a happy life together inshallah, even though neither of us are perfect... just we are perfect for each other. It was great to see him with his family as this is how you can tell if somone is being real with you or not.

Being back home is hard! I just have to concentrate on getting myself ready for family life, stay busy and pray lots to get me through the next few months till I see My Love again.

Salam for now... 

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