Sunday 9 January 2011

Molokhia and Rice

So today I thought about trying to make my future husband's favorite dish...Molokhia!

I have tried it in various places (houses not outside) before so I have something to compare my version to. I have also tried his older sisters Molokhia which I guess will be close to 'how momma makes it' which is what everyone strives for :)

So here's how I made it...


Chicken meat 1/2 kilo
Frozen Molokhia leaves chopped small bag
Maggi Cubes chicken 1 cube
Garlic 5 cloves
Lemon to taste

rice (as much as you like)
vermecelli (browned & added to the rice b4 cooking)

Boil the chicken in the stock made from the maggi cube. Once the meat is cooked take the chicken and fry in oil with the garlic cloves roughly chopped. Brown the chicken and then add the frozen molokhia. Add bit by bit the chicken stock till a soup-like consistency is acheived. Don't make it too runny though or the rice will get too wet when you serve it.  The molokhia should then be allowed to simmer for around 30 minutes. Remove any froth with a metal spoon and serve with rice and fresh lemon to squeeze over the dish.

My first attempt at making molokhia :)

Well the result was good, it tasted just as I expected it to. Let's see if it works the next time round :) 

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