Friday 29 October 2010

A bit of background....

So just to bring you up to speed to where I am in my life... I converted to Islam almost 5 years ago (that's a story for another time) after starting university and meeting some muslims. I began university later than most people, I guess because my family couldn't afford to send me to uni when I left school. But after working for a while in a decent job I realised that the only way to go 'up the ladder' was to have a degree. I had always wanted to go to uni so after my 6yr relationship broke up I thought the change would be just what I needed. Finally I was going somewhere....little did I know I was going much further than I ever imagined!
Now, I have my degree. I feel so blessed to have found Islam. I am working in a great job and I have found a good man who I want to marry. The only trouble is he is in Saudi Arabia! (Don't worry he is not Saudi - before anyone warns me that they can't marry foreigners).
He is roughly 3,000 miles away from me! This blog is to track the journey I will have to make to be with him and inshallah start a new life and family.
Thank you for reading.

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